The Meeting (1)

POV -----> Anastasia

"I don't understand." The female Superior asked.

"I didn't even stutter." He said and tore the glove that he was using to wipe his eyes.

I saw him look straight ahead and saw me hyperventilating at the gate, wide-eyed in fear.

"I guess I didn't kill her." He said and then stood up and walked away.

"I'm going to get my eye treatment; I didn't think I would be doing what I did today. Go meet the king without me."

"The vice is in charge until I return, Defenders! I'll be back in a quick minute." The Captain commanded and then he leapt away with significantly powerful hops.

"Amazing." A superior said as he watched Cyprus leave.

The vice-captain commanded the other Defenders to detach the punishment equipment and safely escort the criminals to the gate.

It was like I was being ignored by the defenders, they were so invested in the others and they didn't seem to care about me.

Maybe they thought that I was too stunned or dazed to move.