Princess Vira

My body didn't even have time for this.

I realized that even after all the humiliating times I fell short in this short battle, being on the defensive wasn't really a bad decision.

I was now on the other side of the cold battle field and I slowly stepped back as the little girl babbled to herself not knowing what I had done.

Immediately I jumped out of the congestion of trees a Soldier appeared from nowhere and grabbed a hold of me so quickly that I didn't realize it until he had carried me to where I needed to be.

"You came." General Berolt commended.

"Sir Commander Berolt Gorebend." The Soldier called.

"What?" General Berolt replied.

"A Dragon … You commanded me to come this close to a Dragon, Sir Commander Berolt Gorebend. A Dragon could scorch me to ash, a Dragon could blow me to smithereens, a Dragon could eat me." The Soldier wailed, lamented and sobbed.