Draevarian Dogs

-{So many Lightning Scholars…} I said out loud.

The old geezer came within range and suddenly began to dash into different locations very quickly in an attempt to confuse or discombobulate me.

-{I expected Lightning users to be faster…} I said disappointed.

I abruptly vanished from my location, expecting to give the geezer a scare, I appeared right before him and attempted to grab a hold of his face.

He gave me a quick smirk and vanished before I could connect and a barrage of lightning bolts blitzed me in the undesirable location.

"Azur? I've met a lot of delusional kids in my time, but you are the most stupid." I could hear the geezer say as millions of units of Energy charged electricity blasted through my veins.

-{Did you say Stupid?} I asked calmly, to clarify.

"Oooooh shiiiiit, You made him mad…" Wixx said as she utterly pounded whilst still defending against all the other opponents, making sure to prevent none of them escaping her.