Irresistible Touch

Regardless of the three boxes blocking her face, Diane managed to unlock her apartment with the sliding of a card.

Gwen followed close behind with two boxes which she dropped next to the door. Her analytic eyes scanned around the plain-looking space with the bare minimum of furniture. "Your aesthetic sucks, baby girl".

Diane who'd just managed to toss the remaining boxes on the nearest couch raised her middle finger at Gwen before falling into the same couch. "You forgot I'm poor".

There was a sudden ringing in Gwen's pocket. "I'd have loved to help you unpack, but it's two hours till graduation and my mum would literally blow up if I don't send some snazzy ass pictures!".

"Why does your mum want ass pics?".

"I mean, sexy pictures!".

"So she wants sexy pictures of your ass?". She tried to hold back her laughter while teasing her friend.

"No- I mean...", Gwen's eye narrowed at Diane's laugh suppressed-looking face. "Ughhh!". She abruptly turned to leave before stopping a foot away from the door. "I want a hug, one last time".

In silence, Diane got up from the couch before moving to wrap her arms around her best friend who squeezed her into a suffocating hug.

"Take care, baby girl. And remember, no man, no cry".

"I think it's - no woman, no cry". Diane chuckled softly.

Gwen only squeezed her tighter, "I still can't believe you didn't get a boob job, that dream man must be having the time of his life". She sniffled.

Diane had to forcefully detach them both before her friend decided to leave.

The silence that accompanied her departure was deafening. Diane took an unsteady breath before walking toward the bathroom. After washing her face, she decided to unbox all her belongings before finally taking a break to check her phone.

[8 missed calls]

And all were from Josh.

She only sighed before closing her eyes on the couch. It was almost ten and yet she couldn't help but feel so... tired.



Diane opened her eyes groggily at the familiar voice of a stranger. She sat up slowly as the strange man came into focus from the kitchen, wearing a black leather jacket and charcoal black jeans. His dark hair was messy and his green eyes moved to scan her body. His expression was cold and unreadable; something that wasn't unusual for Diane. But for the first time, she could see the color of his eyes!

And damn!.... Those eyes were gorgeous.

He purposely leaned closer as his knee moved in between her legs for support, pressing lightly against her core. Who was this man? Why did he keep coming after her like this? And why the hell could she do nothing but what he wanted?!

She wanted to resist mentally, but her body refused. It wanted him, like that proverbial cow in heat-


"Shhh". He stopped her words with an index finger at her lips while leaning closer. The next move was shoving two fingers into her mouth. "You'll speak only when you're asked". His warm breath on her chin sent tingles through her body.

Her breath hitched when his knee pressed closer to her core. "Stop...", the words had come out sheepishly like a little girl rejecting her candy after being teased too much.

He only laughed while using his free hand to gently choke her. "Why say the opposite of what you mean?". The hand moved down her throat and to her the fabric above her breast.

Diane groaned lowly as his eyes never left her face. "Please". The words had come out breathily. "Just- stop". Her cheeks flushes up when he'd begun to knead her.

Then came his usual impulsive grin. He started to stroke her more briskly through her clothes making Diane squirm in his grasp. Her mind was going blank while her tongue gradually began to lick the fingers in her mouth.

His probing fingers at her bosoms slid under the oversize shirt to cup the mass of her breasts - teasingly squeezing and tugging her nipples. 

She moaned loudly while unconsciously arching her back. 'Fuck! I can't think strai-'.

For the first time since their foreplay had begun, his gaze shifted from her face down to her breasts. Her body almost froze when he shoved his head under her shirt. The sharp teeth slightly grazing her skin made goose bumps rise all along her body. She felt a hot trail of moisture trickle between her thighs.

What was it with this man? Every part of her body craved for him, and there was barely any point in resisting since it was all a lucid dream.

"Ahh". She cried out when his teeth teased her hard nipple before a slimy tongue traced about its peak.

After repeating the same process with both breasts, his head lifted to meet her gaze. The defenseless look on her face had made his gut churn with arousal as he managed a gulp.

Just meeting her eyes got him hard.

Why was he even trying to please her so much? It had already been four years since she'd selfishly dragged him into her dream world - sucking away his life like some needy parasite. She didn't seem to bear any more resentment towards him, but the same couldn't be said in his stead.

If he was to find her actual body, he'd surely end her life.

The moment he tried to get up, Diane gripped his collar. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the bulge in his trousers and she smirked. With a wicked glint in her eyes, she pulled him closer by the lapels and kissed him hard. Their tongues fought for dominance but eventually, Diane found victory. One of her hands tangled in his hair while the other wrapped itself around the side of his thigh possessively.

A few moments later, they broke the kiss, breathless. Both looked flushed, and Diane's hands were clutching the fabric at his chest tightly.

He huffed and puffed for breath with narrowed eyes. She'd finally shown her true colors, what a perverted woman.

"MaryJane". His voice had suddenly turned stern. "Tell me your location".

MaryJane? Who the fuck was that?

Did this asshole just moan another woman's name? No.... that was going overboard-

She roughly shoved him away while preparing to hit him with an uppercut before her phone rang!