I Hate You All…

Although Diane had an early dinner before taking her pills, for the whole time she'd been laying awake - tears didn't stop streaming out from her left eye.

It was hard to understand as she didn't feel any bit of remorse for anything- not Josh nor that stranger, her body seemed to be reacting on its own. She pulled her legs up onto her bed and wrapped the blanket around herself tighter, trying to turn her brain off, her eyes were heavy but not sleepy. 'This weekend, I have to go back home'.

Where it all started.

Josh never let her leave the capital to go home. Maybe he didn't want her to feel traumatized?

But there were so many questions with so few answers. 'Who exactly is MaryJane?'.

That man had never used her real name and at this point, it seemed like he properly knew the woman - maybe an ex-girlfriend? Although he wasn't harsh towards this 'MaryJane', he wasn't all that kind either.

Or had she just gotten used to the overwhelming tenderness Josh had always shown?