Don’t Worry, Nothing Happened

Josh took the next few minutes to scan through the journal before the security returned to call him out.

"I'll be right there". He said with a blank expression. 'What the hell is this?'. He stuttered to lean on the wall. He was so confused; he felt like his head would explode any minute. 'She lied about getting raped? No. I know I slept with her that night. And did she really want to sleep with that blackmailer?! That meant the nude was hers...'.

He slammed his head on the wall wanting to forget about everything she wrote down. 'I can't doubt Diane... it's all in the past now'. He slammed his head a few more times till it bled.

It was like some force inside him couldn't doubt her - no.... he wanted to believe every word she said and protect her even if it cost his life.