Don’t Wander About The Castle

Demon Realm, Vggladilsia.

Upper city.

Royal Castle.


Acheros had been pacing around the room for quite some time. He knew he should sit still and wait for the demon who'd saved him to return, but he couldn't. Every part of him was restless...

Apart from the urge to have Diane in his arms, he also felt an insatiable hunger in his gut. A hunger for flesh, blood, and ashes...

He barely noticed when he started panting for breath and his tummy growled. "Hungry...". He leaned against the wall with his eyes scanning around the room for anything edible.

The hunger was making his eyes spin and his head ached. "Arghh". He groaned while stuttering towards the bed frame for support since lying down might do some good.

Half of the metal door slightly creaked open and he turned his face to glance in its direction before he could fall into the bed.