We’re All Dead

Dave could feel the sound of his heart thudding against his chest. How would he be able to explain the whole situation with a man just leaving his room?

The worse part of it was that Diane was a smart girl and she seemed to know the redhead who'd never even mentioned his name.

No one could find out he was into men... especially Mark!

"Dave, it's been a while". Diane's voice snapped him out of his thoughts as he looked across to see her standing directly in front of him. They'd never been the closest of friends, but acting cold and walking away would make the atmosphere more awkward.

He'd just have to make a joke if she asked about his relationship with the redhead.

"Yeah, I guess". He laughed awkwardly like a little mouse that'd been caught stealing cheese. "How're you? How's Gwen?". He couldn't meet her eyes.

"I'm alright, and so is she".