Questions & Corpses

They took about a minute to set up the lighting and place a recorder on the table. 

"Shall we begin? Or do you need your lawyer?".

"This isn't detention, hence a lawyer is irrelevant. Whenever you're ready". Hilton said with a straight face.

"I know the story about inviting the elite families from Fredo to your birthday party. But making it compulsory for at least three members of each family to be present is a do I say? Overboard".

"What can I say, I wanted to show off my airship". Hilton said calmly as he stared back at the chief with contemptuous eyes. 

"I see, although I can't say I relate".

"I don't expect you to". 

"Next question". The chief sighed. "You had a boat waiting, so why didn't you save anyone else? It's almost like you knew the airship was going to crash and decided to escape before time". He used a hand to stroke his chin. It was all from the testimony the butler had given that he'd managed to gather that.