Neele The Favorite

Igris ran through the corridors of the castle, his hair was gradually turning silver and his body was slowly melting which was a sign that at any moment...he'd go berserk.

Unlike both his other siblings, he rarely ever went berserk. To be exact - he avoided it.

After reaching the doors where two giant knights clad with armor stood, he hastily pushed through before falling on his face.

His scarlet eyes turned to Grizelda who was looking down at him with no obvious reaction. "M-mother...". He outstretched a hand towards the throne.

Unlike both his brothers as well, his berserk mode was a failure. It made his emotions run wild...

And his chest ached like all his hearts were being ripped apart. An abnormal case for a primordial demon...

He was defective from birth and only his mother knew this side of him.