Maryann Janiquel Franx: Origin I


[Demon Realm, Vggladilsia]


Maryjane's P.O.V


Maryann Janiquel Franx.

That was the name my parents gave me.

We succubi were nothing but lower-rank demons whose sole purpose in life was to serve. Title, wealth, and power were terms even our ancestors could never comprehend. Such a shame...

My father, who was an incubus always told me to lower my head whenever I was to come in contact with a higher rank demon - no matter their age. 'Bow and greet', he'd say while pressing my head down beside him.

I despised him. But more than that - I despised myself for not being born as a Greater demon.

Mother wasn't any better, but at least she never make me look like a fool in public. They were always out at night 'working' and rarely had time for each other. Though we were fairly wealthy, they both acted like we were the lowest of the low due to our specie.