I Can’t Lose You…

"Diane...". Drake sighed. "It wasn't my intention to raise my voice but you're not thinking straight right now".

"I'm not thinking straight?!". She almost laughed. "Maybe because the pain in my arm is clouding my judgment".

"Quickly, heal her arm Beldrith". Drake turned to the small boy who'd just finished healing his own arm and was watching the scene unfold in silence.

"Don't!". She didn't know who Beldrith was, but she wanted to remember the feeling in her wrist for a while. If he truly liked her, he'd never have broken her wrist.

If he'd just wrapped her in an embrace when she woke up or claimed to have missed her - her heart would have immediately gone into a flux. And she'd wanted to believe all the woman MaryJane had told her was either a sick dream or a made-up fantasy.

"What do you mean he shouldn't?". Drake moved to grip her shoulder but she struggled to get loose and ended up falling on her butt.