A Forgotten Secret

The pressure from the blow pushed both parties backward, but Igris was sent further away and the flesh covering half his arm that had taken the blow was in shreds. His teeth clenched tightly and the hand clutched his injured limb as it had began to regenerate.

Drake who'd landed gracefully on both feet on the ground dived back into the air like a rocket, leaving a deeper hole where his feet crushed. "DARK FLAMES". He spoke lowly with his hand outstretched towards Igris midair and a large burst of dark flames enough to wipe out half of Fredo if it wasn't targeted at the sky burst out.

Igris's scarlet eyes glowed although he was still bleeding from them and he opened his mouth to release crimson red flames to counter Drake's dark ones, unknown to him that Drake used the opening made by his flames to attack the moment they burnt through each other.