Love to Hate You

"Fuckkkk!", Acheros yelled at the feel of the bones in both legs shattering all at once as well as the dislocation at his hips and spinal cord.

He coughed out blood before collapsing first as VJ fell out of his arm. It hurt so much he could neither cry nor scream — the only thing he could do was grit his teeth tightly together and close his eyes. He couldn't even move his neck to stare down at the pool of blood he lay in since his knee bones tore through his flesh on impact.

"Arghh! Vander!", he called out bearing the excruciating pain that could have killed a normal human — asides from the loss of blood. Now they were in enemy territory, they'd both die if he lost consciousness.

If it was to have been the human realm, there be a chance of being helped by a passersby — but this was the demon realm. "Wake up! Fuckkk!", he yelled out and his voice echoes through the barren land.