Taking a Risk

VJ's eyes trembled at the sight of his sister's face. Although it had been so many years since they'd last seen each other, he couldn't easily forget what she looked like.

He watched Acheros continue to caress the back of her head. 'Did this monster just say he was going to eat her?!', the thought finally ran through his mind and his heart began to pound hard in his chest. His eyes slowly scanned around till sighting what looked like a hammer on the table not too far away.

Who could have known that the woman he so desperately wanted to save would be his younger sister? Would she still recognize him?

The fact that he looked years younger and skinnier than her. It was because he'd been used as a sex slave that he'd stopped aging for a while.

He outstretched his hand towards the woman as if wanting to touch her face to check how real she was.