Soul Pact: Do Not Betray Me

"Pain?", Drake's eyes narrowed recalling that Igris could tell when a person was in pain so denying would be pointless. "It must be the burden of power".

"I never thought I could sense someone in so much pain without hearing screams", she smirked. "You really are a monster". She shut her eyes at the feel of some memories returning before reopening them. "So I died, huh?", her eyes stared at her palms. "Where's Dave?", the questions had come out a little too casually.

"Shouldn't you be asking how I became king first?".

Igris waved a careless hand in the air. "Yeah yeah, you defeated Neele, mother must be proud".

There was a three seconds pause before Drake replied. "Mother died".

"She what?!", Igris spun around to stare at Drake's back and anger lined her face. "How? Who could kill someone as strong as her?!".

"She died after passing on the ruler's seal. It seemed she was nothing more than a walking corpse before-".