Interesting Facts About Poop Or Pooh Part 4


Should Sink in the Toilet Think stock Listen for the sound of your poop (stool) as it hits the water in the toilet. Floating stools are often an indication of high fat content, which can be a sign of malabsorption, a condition in which you can't absorb enough fat and other nutrients from the food you're ingesting. When your poop (stool) floats, it is associated with celiac disease or chronic pancreatitis.Is there a normal 'pooping schedule'? Many people are concerned if they miss a day without a bowel movement, but actually some very healthy people poop only every second day. If you go three days without needing to poop, this would indicate a problem, while if you need to poop three or more times a day, this is also not normal. You'll establish what your own normal rhythm is, so don't be too alarmed. Some people even poop at specific times of the day, while others are not that regular in their habits. Some feel that pooping more than once a day is ideal as you're getting rid of waste, but this isn't true for everyone.Your digestive process is definitely influenced by your stress levels. The gastrointestinal tract is lined with the same serotonin receptors that are found in the brain, which means that your brain and your gut actually have a very close relationship. When you're particularly tense, your gut wall can constrict, which causes constipation. Other people have a gut that works overtime when they're nervous, leading to diarrhea. Something like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has been definitively linked to ongoing, high levels of stress.Your diet also plays a big part in your pooping schedule. Cheese and other dairy products are known to slow your digestive system, as will foods that are hard to digest, like steak. Alcohol and coffee, on the other hand, can cause you to poop more often. Red flags when it comes to poop Regularity of pooping is important, but so is the experience of passing a stool. If you have pain or you find that you're having to strain unnecessarily, this is a clear sign of an impacted poop that has been inyour colon for some time. If there's blood in your poop, you should consult a physician healthy poop shouldn't break up into multiple pieces Pooping too little or too frequently (several times aday) should also receive attention On-going diarrhea is definitely a sign of a health issue, which could indicate that you have a food sensitivity (for example, to gluten or dairy) or a number of other conditions such as ulcerative colitisor leaky gut. Solving gut problems - dos and don'ts Do: Work on your stress levels - try to get a good night's sleep and even try meditation if this helps to calm you. Eat fiber-rich foods - fiber is a binding agent that facilitates the whole digestive process. Foods like meat and refined carbohydrates are not good sources of fiber, while whole foods, such as fruit and vegetables, are much kinder to your gut. Pay attention to what you eat, as you may find that some foods are more digestible than others. This way you can mindfully modify your diet. Avoid alcohol andcaffeine - both of these dehydrate the colon, which causes digestive problems. Try not to drink either if you're having issues with your gut. Drink a lot of water - dehydration is a major cause of gut problems and caffeine and alcohol make the situation worse. You should try to drink water regularly throughout the day, aiming for at least 8 glasses for maximum hydration. If you're being very disciplined about having fiber in your diet, keeping yourself hydrated is even more important as fiber swells in your gut and needs water for optimum absorption. Fiber minus sufficient water is a major reason for bloating. Look after your liver - bile is essential to digest the fats in your gut. With insufficient bile, your system can back up quickly and constipation can result. A regular livercleanse is a good idea. Maintain your probiotics - a healthy gut is like a garden filled with micro-organisms, consisting of good and bad bacteria. If you've been taking antibiotics, you'll destroy the good bacteria along with the bad, and this will seriously impact your digestion. Taking probiotic supplements will help keep your gut healthy and functioning well. There are also foods rich in probiotics such as kimchi,sauerkraut, and high quality yogurts. Don'ts Harsh laxatives are not the answer to constipation -they may even exacerbate the problem. Rather improve your diet and drink more water as a first step. Foods that contribute to inflammation are really bad for your gut, and should be avoided. Sugar is a major problem when it comes to good digestion as refined sugars actually destroy the healthy bacteria in your gut, while promoting growth of the 'bad' bacteria. This often leads to autoimmune disease and leaky gut syndrome. Dairy and gluten can also be harmful to many people's guts, and there may be certain foods that are uniquely bad for you if you have an allergenic reaction to them. Don't be a couch potato - exercise is crucial for health, so keep moving as much as possible. Not only will this aid your digestion, it could also stave off dementia and lzheimer's. In fact, health practitioners are increasingly adamant that even 10 minutes of exercise a day will have a remarkably positive effect on your health. In general, your gut is so important that some physicians refer to it as 'your second brain'. The well-being of nearly every part of your body is influenced by the health of your gut, so it's never been more important to pay attention to your diet and to take good care of your digestion. Follow these steps, be aware of your poop, and you'll find that you'll quickly be able to greatly improve your overall health.There is no doubt that fiber is an important element of your diet. It is what makes up plan tissue, and even though it is a type of carbohydrate, our bodies cannot digest it. Fiber is important because it adds bulk to your diet, helps to make you feel fuller faster, and can help with weight control (1). While fiber is essential in the right amounts, is it possible to go overboard with it? While it is rare, you can, indeed, consume too much. The symptoms of too much fiber are not serious, but they are anything but fun. Many of us know at least one person who lives a gluten-free lifestyle, and while sometimes the motivation to do so is for general health purposes, many other individuals actually have to avoid gluten due to celiac disease in order to live a relatively normal life. Those with celiac disease often find that even just a little bit of gluten in their diet can cause a variety of uncomfortable and downright miserable symptoms. (1) But what causes celiac disease and how can it be treated? Do your friends who love bread have to go without it for the rest of their lives?Thankfully, new research is proving that other options might be on the table. The task of completely curing celiac disease, and any other autoimmune disorders that creep in once the gate has been opened, is exciting and promising, yet further studies will need to occur before anything can be promoted as a mainstream cure.


Pooping is an essential bodily function that eliminates waste and makes space in the digestive system. Pooping may feel good for a number of reasons. For example, passing stool involves the contraction and release of certain muscles, as well as the stimulation of certain nerves. Some of these nerves provide pleasurable feelings when activated. Also, because the urge to poop can feel uncomfortable, the act of pooping releases this discomfort, which may feel pleasurable. There are individual variations in the consisttency, color, smell, and size of poop. However, anyone who notices a drastic change in their poop or in the frequency of their bowel movements that has no clear cause or does not resolve in few days should contact a doctor. Such changes can sometimes indicate an underlying health issue.