1. STRENGTH: Courageous people always have inbuilt strengths that makes them to attain set goals. With such industries, a person cannot be courageous. Such strength enables a person to be a go getter.

2. CONFIDENCE: People always have confidence in a courageous person because they know that such a person will achieve results. They believe that the person will surely deliver and will not disappoint them due to his or her college. A courageous person will enjoy people's confidence and support.

3. GREAT ACHIEVEMENT: Courage enhance achievement for a person that has it. A courageous person does not easily relent. The courage that one as readily sport one to process until one positively achieve results.

4. FAME: Courageous people always enjoy grateful. They are very popular among colleague and contemporaries. People always respect their views and are ready to worship them because they know that such courageous people or person was able to achieve through college, and did not get such on a platter of gold.

5. WILLINGNESS TO FORGE ON: Correct gives people the spirit or the power and will to forge ahead in order to achieve more. With courage, a person would look ahead and say, I must proceed, I must get to the next level. It is a moral booster.


1. You might actually feel more shame, not less. That because the effort it takes to keep the secret means you have to keep reminding yourself of your condition. You end up walking around "knowing" that something is "wrong" with you, and this becomes a constant act of self-shame.

2.You're probably less likely to face and overcome your fears when you are in denial about them.

3.You don't get the support that can help you move forward

4. It increases your sense of loneliness. After all, how can you really be close to others when you hide who you are?

5. It adds to your anxiety: First you have your fear of leaving the house, or large crowds, or heights, or whatever; and then you have the additional fear of being found out.You're probably less likely to face and overcome your fears when you are in denial about them. You don't get the support that can help you move forwardIt increases your sense of loneliness. After all, how can you really be close to others when you hide who you are?It adds to your anxiety: first you have your fear of leaving the house, or large crowds, or heights, or whatever; and then you have the additional fear of being found out.


Courage is paramount in life. Courage has enabled people to stand for things they believed were right even in the face of opposition and triumphed. Some have stopped evils and helped through moral courage making the society a better place to live in and safe for humanity. Courageous people stand up against things that threaten them or the things or people that they care about. They take action in a way that is consistent with their values. Sometimes, however, the action required is not necessarily loud, but quiet and thoughtful.