Demon Emperor Zhang

The cultivators from the demon realm arrived with their heads held high in overbearing pride and arrogance.

"The Emperor of the Demon imperial realm is here to visit the ancient imperial realm" A Demon General at the side of Demon Emperor Zhang announced, his voice filling the air.

Everyone shuddered inwardly. Why would the Demon Emperor be here today? There's really going to be trouble this time around. With such strong lineup, they took the Ancient imperial real unawares.

"To what do I owe this visit, Emperor Zhang?" Emperor Shen replied.

"I'm just here to join in the fun. Relax we mean no harm" Emperor Zhang replied.

Mean no harm? Then why did they bring so much strong cultivators? Even some Demon generals has shown their faces. Everyone in the ancient imperial realm worried. Today was the day ceremony of the crown prince's birth, what do they mean by making an appearance today? The hall was tense.

"You are not welcomed" Emperor Shen hated the Demon Emperor to the bones and couldn't even bare staying with him for a single moment.


At that moment, a great empyrean path of suppression descended from the sky above. Everyone felt uncomfortable, they felt as though their very will were being crushed and the couldn't even move their bodies.

Even General Gu from sky imperial palace was finding it hard to maintain his composure, some weak cultivators spat up blood.

Emperor Shen reacted by stepping out with his own might and releasing his Imperial will to relieve those that were being suppressed.

"Demon Zhang, the ancient imperial realm is not not the only present today, people from other realms are present and I bet you wouldn't dare provoking any of them." Emperor Shen said to the demon emperor with a cold look on his face.

" I really came to join in the fun today" Demon Zhang said unreasonably. "Today, I brought some of our strongest cultivators to have some sparring sessions and test their powers in the ancient imperial realm." he continued.

Sparing session?

What kind of an excuse is that? You might as well go to the sky imperial realm and test your cultivators.

"There shall be no sparring sessions" Emperor Shen said. "Demon Zhang, what do you want? Just go straight to the point instead of beating around the bush." he continued.

"I want the Space tearing scepter, that empyrean item was owned by our Demon ancestors. You don't have the right to possess our belongings" Emperor Zhang replied.

"You also stole empyrean items from our empty ruins. How do you plan to explain that." Emperor Shen said in return.

"Now that I'm in possession of you empyrean items, we can actually trade them for our Demonic Scepter." Demon Zhang replied.

"Old bastard" Emperor Shen cursed inwardly. If he were to really exchange the most powerful empyrean item of the demon realm, the demon emperor will use the power and try to kill Emperor Shen and a large scale battle might occur. Nobody will even survive from the aftershock of such battle. The Ancient Imperial realm were at a disadvantage in this standoff.

"I won't agree to such a proposal" Emperor Shen firmly stated.

Emperor Zhang also understood what he was thinking, so he made another suggestion.

"I heard that your nephew Zheng Gai is the foremost genius in the entire ancient imperial realm. How about I send my disciple to duel with him. If he wins, I'll go back to the empty imperial palace but if my disciple wins, you'll have to hand over the demonic scepter."

Emperor Shen looked towards Shen Gai. He understood the responsibility he now has to shoulder so he nodded and stepped forward.

Demon Zhang made a gesture and his disciple stepped forward. His disciple looked extremely dashing with long jet black hair and his burly figure made him even more handsome and he look at Shen Gai with a bearing of extreme aloofness and disdain. He is so young, maybe around sixteen years of age.

Demon Zhang's disciple Zhang Danfeng stepped out with a great battle axe in his hands. The demon cultivators were martial art cultivators and they defeat their opponents in the most direct and overbearing way.


The empyrean path of space rumbled around Shen Ging and the fabric of space around him became distorted.


Shen Ging immediately disappeared from his position and appeared directly above Zhang Danfeng and made a slashing gesture at his head.


His hand sliced Zhang Danfeng's head in halve and he realized that what he just struck was a phantom of the demon emperor's disciple. He is also proficient with the illusion technique? I thought the demon realm only cultivates martial art but to his surprise, Zhang Danfeng was also a cultivator of spiritual sorcery. He was truly shocked.


He actually felt threatened at the moment and chills ran down his spines as beads of sweat formed on his head.


Zhang Danfeng gave him a surprise attack from behind with his battle axe. It was so fast that he couldn't dodge the incoming attack so he had to take a defensive stance. A vortex shield materialized around him as he received the incoming attack with a loud boom.

Although, the shield absorbed most of the impact, he was still sent flying backwards before could gain balance in the void air.

Streaks of blood appeared at the corner of his lips and he gazed at the demon cultivator coldly. He had to take this battle serious, his recklessness almost cost him his life.

The Demon Emperor's disciple looked at him and a mocking smile appeared on his face.

While he was smiling, he suddenly disappeared and appeared behind Shen Gai again.

Shen Gai activated his empyrean will and swords materialized in the void around him to protect him from the incoming attack.

He turn backwards and faced Zhang Danfeng while sending countless swords towards him. The demon emperor's disciple did not even bother to evade the attack and actually proceeded to strike the incoming swords. His battle axe shattered many of the incoming swords and landed on Shen Gai's shoulders. At that moment, he discover that it was a feint attack.

Shen Gai actually used his tricks against him and struck him from behind. He wanted to dodge but it was too late so he flung his battle axe at the incoming attack.


He discovered that his axe struck nothing and all the swords continued advancing towards him. This swords were meant for destroying souls.

It pierced through home and damaged his soul, his aura was depleting rapidly as he spat out a mouthful of blood. He fell on the ground weakly, he still lost while facing him? He couldn't believe it. Maybe he was too careless this time.

He managed to get up from the ground while looking at Shen Gai. "You won today but you won't be able to use the same trick the next time we meet" he said and walked towards the cultivators from the demon realm.

Everyone knew he didn't loose because he was less powerful.

"Your tricks won't also work next time" Shen Gai said while returning to Emperor Shen's side.

"You've lost your bet, you can leave now." Emperor Shen said while looking at the Demon emperor coldly.

The Demon Emperor could not go against his words.

"You can enjoy the rest of your day, sorry for the intrusion." Emperor Zhang said and brought his people to leave.

Everyone saw the retreating figures of the demon realm. Although they've left, it doesn't mean that they won't make trouble in the future.

A storm was brewing and they knew it.

"Sorry for the interruption, the ceremony may begin." Emperor Shen announce to everyone around.