The "X" gene of humanity.

{Bible Division 1}

Book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham. Matthew 1:1

-In a first case-: Mateo, the historian-narrator, presents his distinguished book, introducing: the geneology of Jesus Christ.

He then divides the 'family tree' into two paternal parts. And this symbology is typical of "religious culture."

But what do these divisions represent? We are going to give: a spiritual interpretation, through a double approach:

• Which character spiritually transcends first and second?

• Which character transcends generationally first and second?

Abraham is said: he is the father of faith. And that Jesus is the author and finisher of that faith.

It is said that, David: his heart was according to the will of God. Jesus says: I will put my laws in their hearts, in their minds I will write them.

David learned from his Father: Abraham: "But the just shall live by faith."

And of course, reiterating: You need to have a heart where the laws of the Creator are.

Since you can physically see a heart and feel it in your own beating.

As for faith, it is something inherent to the divine nature, placed in man since the creation of humanity.

Faith that applies the moment you bow down and acknowledge the author and finisher of faith: Jesus.

{Bible Division 2}

So that all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen; from David to his deportation to Babylon, fourteen; and from the deportation to Babylon to Christ, fourteen. Matthew 1:17.

-In a second case-: Mateo, the historian-narrator, develops his distinguished book, categorizing: the genealogy of Jesus Christ.

For this, he divides the generations into: three blocks of fourteen. Totaling: 42 generations.

Let's look at the divisions:

• From Abraham to David.

• From David to the deportation from Babylon.

• From Babylon to Christ.

Clarifying that the names given to the son of the Creator: have their own historical importance. Whose sum, gives order, to a composition.

• Jesus + Christ = Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the prophesied: savior of the world, in the name of the Creator. And he consummates faith: by working, using his own body, in sacrifice "anointed: crucified or Christ" before the sin -the bad habits- of humanity.

This triple terminology is necessary: ​​understand it in the good sense and order of things. I ask:

If you only know about Jesus. He would be in 50% of the knowledge, a corporeal notion of his work towards humanity and therefore towards himself.

If you only know of Christ. It would be in 50% of the experience, a spiritual notion of the work of Jesus for humanity.

That is why this treatise as a historical novel, where the characters acquire other designations; and that we have paraphrased the biblical passages, giving a colloquial language and narrative. Without falling, in vain inventiveness, but staging the facts in a context of time, mode, context, environment, character, motive...

An observation of human decadence, which causes a void of divinity. It is seen coming, from case one, which is framed in the first division of case two.

it literally says: from Abraham to David, paraphrasing: from faith to heart.

Let's look at the list again, of generational divisions. Get the idea of ​​finding, milestones: listed alphabetically:

• (a) Abraham to (b) David.

• (b) From David to (c) the deportation from Babylon.

• (c) From Babylon to (d) Christ.

Thus, we would have: a-b / b-c / c-d. Where: milestones: 'a', 'b', 'd': are representatively human. While the milestone: 'c' are representative of human events.

This gives us some reasoning to emphasize that:

There was "generational" continuity between: a=b; not being so, between: b±c; because it intervened from the outset: "the deportation" to another town: a kind of discontinuity or generational gap; similar situation at the exit, between c±d; What if it was generational continuity?

This meaning: of horizontality, of descent and ascent, has an end: Christ.

-Emphasizing that-, the first case mentions "the genealogy of Jesus Christ" only in the two parts: 'son of David, son of Abraham', ignoring the issue of deportation. Paraphrasing:

The end justifies: -those who remain in the middle, in the gap, generational- due to the little or no importance of their lives, in relation to their families.