{Moral 2}
Come to an agreement with your adversary soon, while you are with him on the road. Matthew_5:25.
-Abigax, he lay down at his feet, talking to himself: like an intense scream but deep inside; like an unspeakable but pronounceable moan. Which I beg, saying:
O my Lord!
Forgive this offense!
And give you, the Creator: stable house.
This fight is from the Creator!
I pray: that evil, not be found, in you.
Idav, still stunned, by the temper, beauty and eloquence of the woman, there prostrated at his feet. Scream:
Shut up everyone! Let me speak to you! -Well, the soldiers had realized that the woman was the wife of the insane man, who zahiró, days before: refusing to give support to the army that guarded her property and gave security to her servants.
-Don't listen to her...!-, She heard herself, like a last moan.
-Idav. She had her right hand raised, a sign of authority. And more than one of his leaders, who having drawn their sword: They had no choice but to keep their anger from him. And keep all resentment.
-It happened like this-.
The bands of King Sauly, in search of Idav, persisted in raiding every place, store, shop, village: thinking that they were hiding him.
More when: the husband of this woman: Nadax and his servants, were about to be devastated and to ruin, lose everything:
-The foreign enemy, I saw that, around the properties of this man-: there were the warriors of Idav. And fearing for their lives, -because of the recklessness of their actions-.
|In command of Idav. These people, who used to be: the social scum, the nameless misfits, cast off from their families, persecuted by human justice but not by divine justice. They were now: respectable, authoritative, proficient in war skills. Attentive, helpful.
But in the face of injustice, arrogance and dishonor: they made them return, to their dire state, their anger was reborn: and the roots of bitterness, which ignite the fire that destroys everything in its path.
-One day, hungry-: they rested, in their tents, in the field, after the sunset of a battle; from which they freed: they their lives and those of those who prowled that area.
Idav: asked for a local visit, to request the owner of those cattle. Cattle that he had taken care of so many times, without asking for anything in return.
I beg you, go and ask earnestly: a little of what you want to give us. Take what they give you: grateful Come back soon! What hunger presses!
But the man prosperous because of the care of Ida's army, replied with the most infamous sarcasm:
Who is IDavi?
Surely it is one of those servants: What flee from the master of him!
Why give: my bread, my water and the meat of my servants; of the ration of those who serve me more than enough.
I don't know this Idav guy? I don't know who you are: Get away from my property! Before I kick you out: the dogs.
Because of this personal disagreement, the warriors were set on courage. The same, IDav: once informed. He asked: yoke the weapons and brandish the swords and let's go against everything that is of that fool.
-There she was, the woman-: Asking, reverently: Clemency!
Idav, with that royal baggage, -granted you the indulgence-. He very willingly accepted what he brought you and it was: really abundant. Why the Creator gives you: much more abundantly than you ask for.
-My Lord: Idav-: Your soldiers were a wall for us and for our sheep. Today you will not be: cell and punishment Do not kill the innocent by your hand! Give place to the wrath of the Creator.
-My Lord: Idav-: I have reflected and with me all, in my house, with the exception of my husband: Who, foolish, does not know you!
Abigax delivered, -like a peace offering-:
-Two hundred loaves.
-Two wine skins.
-Five stewed sheep.
-Five measures of roasted grain.
-One hundred bunches of raisins. Y:
-Two hundred bread
Go, in peace: Woman! -Idav said, adding, words full of gratitude, fine benevolence and recognition-: And thank you for your blessing. I bless the Creator: for your timely intervention. You have prevented me from being contaminated by the perverse and vile. I will take your offering and your retribution will come soon. To the extent: fair and true.
-In Nadax's bipolar multiverse-.
Take! To drink! Said Nadax, who feasted splendidly, "Taste the delicacies I have prepared for you!"
And where is Abigax? Do you want me to dance? Call her!
Abigax. A prudent woman. She had shown: meekness and reverence in begging for mercy for her life. And in dishonor: with ease, she pleased her husband: Nadax and all her guests, which included her servants in her service.
But: -the next day, when her husband had less effect from the wine, and looked lucid, she sharply rebuked him-:
Nadax, you will know that the great Idav: came against this house for your great impudence, arrogance and mediocrity!
Your servant, your wife, your lover, the only woman who supports you, did these things: -Abigax, in great detail, explained her request to Idav.
Whereupon, Nadax: convulsed by the news in her aid; he was perplexed: like a stone. And his heart fainted. Until ten later: The Creator threw a fiery dart at him that wounded him to death. Nothing to be surprised, if his own already knew the end of him.
But Idav, since Abigax's merciful visit, understood that there is much humanity in a woman he loves, and that she is capable of throwing herself at her feet: as a sacrifice for her family.
My Sir. -Notified a watchman, to Idav-: your enemy, in time of trial, has fallen by the work of the Creator. Peace to your life!
Intrigue!?. -He added, knowing that Idav was captivated by the character, intelligence and beauty of Abigax, the watchman, he said-: How Idav would regret! May that commendable woman remain helpless and be prey to her enemies.
Say no more!: Caudillo, of love: Are you now? -Idav said, smiling.
-Send for her-. Go yourself. On account of your life: she will come.
And what do I tell him? -Insinuated, the warrior. -Idav, replied: the most loving, with brightness in his eyes and beating of his heart:
That your future, King, loves you!
And what will it be: who now falls, surrendered at her feet: for love.