The provident sign of authority of the Creator.

Father Abraham. -Isax asked-: How to respond to the Creator, so that he removes from us the yoke of sterility?

Isax: Do you remember the trip to the mountain? Abrahax commented as a family anecdote: You were just a teenager, in your young years. The Creator: tested you both!

You, regarding being: Offering! An acceptable sacrifice.

Me, about stopping idolizing children.

They have already had the freedom to procreate a child, out of wedlock, whom I blessed: fourteen years. And then you were born: son of my heart.

I understand father: -Count again!

Your mother in the sweetness of her love, yearned like you: To have a son!

We tried it in our flesh, the years that our first stretch lasted in the pilgrimage of exile, proclaimed by the Creator. Who told you: Get out of your house!

Iran: to the land that I will show you!

However, this did not happen. More to the death of my father. I began to depend more on the Creator. And he adopted me as his son and was both Creator and Father.

And it was, who taught me the secret of Procreation.

Saraos, his belly was dry. The custom of women was against him. And she turned spiteful to the creator. And, it wasn't until he accepted the curse of sterility. And he deposed his anger by making me an adulterer with my maid.

One day: The Creator spoke to me as a faithful friend and he told me:

I will console you at the departure of your first son, born with the slave. I will watch over them from now and forever.

A year later, Sarax: She will have her son! A son is my Promise!

Your mother, she was a good hundred years old and the habit was closed to her. And grace of our lives. Before, the mention of the Creator, she:

I laughed! It was a sublime, enchanting laugh.

To the heart of the Creator: It was a sweet love song!

The creator. He asked us: Why that laugh?

We didn't know what to answer. To the point that your mother shut up for that afternoon. And of joy: she was silent. Not knowing what to say. But with joy in her heart: she said I have not laughed: I have enjoyed! From the saying of the Creator. -She with a smile, blue, like a sky: she fell asleep with love.

At night I went to bed and we lavished the most sublime caresses. And that night you were conceived. To the grace of the Creator.

So the secret is: Grace? Isaac said.

Yes. But when the altar of the stones collected on the way. It is an altar without stones in the heart. Without anger, slander, bitterness, wrath or any idolatrous arrogance.

-When speaking with the Creator:

A heart must surrender to the Creator. And live in the presence of him: In the joy of him!

Son. –I want to finish by saying-: to your mind, to your body, to your spirit and to your heart. From that day until today: you were always: the grace of the Creator in our lives. Like a promise, that we waited for so many years and it was fulfilled: in you. And every time we pronounce your name it reminds us: And your mother and I don't; we stop laughing. Your name means: laughter, Isax.

-Upon arriving home-: Isax, began, a series of new chants. That shook his philosophical foundations, his way of conceiving life. His meditation on praise was so profound. That Rebex: he couldn't stand up. Before, the glory of the Creator. Whose presence invaded his home, right next to his house: They had, erected a stone altar.

My love! -He managed to say: Rebex. In a few steps and he fell to his knees. Big tears came out of his eyes. And all silence that he kept! He expressed it in ecstasy.

beloved redeemer!

Life you will give!

My belly is your art of Creation!

The sign of yokes in the family is sterility! -He commented, Abrahax.

But the truth in the Altar, is the passion for life.

They waited three days like a premonition, And they came together to procreate life.

-But-, at night.

Darkness reigned in the sky, clouds of dust shook the stores, as if wanting to break values, hope, life itself.

A band of owls left scared because vultures arrived, screaming wild as if wanting to hunt the prey. What prey?

Rebex, trembled. Alone. And he couldn't take it anymore in the jealous distance from him.

And he snuggled into Isax's arms.

And instead of fearing and seeking comfort. -As one day he did: Isax, at the death of his mother. She came alive in Rebex's arms. Grace is more than returned: with love. A love that gives you peace in the midst of prevailing weakness.

Rebex, pronounced: love me! And he did not keep to the silence of his body, but he danced his specter, as if stirring up the shadows from outside. And he vibrated to the beating of his heart and loved.

-Nine months later-

A scream shook the makeshift delivery room.

He is a boy, said the midwife. -At the time, that-: That Rebex, he extended his arms.

By picking up the child. Isax: He realized that a hand was hanging from the foot of the newborn and then an arm was shown.

And he had to return the little one to the midwife. Listening: What was happening?

And it is that the provision of the Creator comes in abundance: Abundant!

And another scream, -he flooded the place-. it was not to a simple cry. But it was a soft song. With the one who gives, with his instrument: the charmer of cobras and snakes.

And suddenly: the first baby, he fell silent and fell asleep.

And the second baby: he started crying so high-pitched that his mother: she caressed him first, the other baby looked, without understanding-like us-: What meanings did these and other signs have!?

Which, only loving hearts, of parents: Can perceive!