A Spark (1) - 34

A/N: Just a reminder, I've only been uploading TVADE on Tuesdays because OTR was on a hiatus, but now that I'm rewriting it completely and submitting it to Reaperscans, I'll be writing the 1500+ words per chapter (5 chapters in total) for the submission doc on Tuesdays now. Also, just a reminder, you can take an early look at the chapters for RSR (The new name for OTR) by joining the discord and getting the "RSR Fan" role. I can assure you that these chapters are and will probably be my best works due to the quality I need to bring to have a chance to be chosen by Reaperscans. The Discord link is in my profile.

Dragging myself into the training hall, I couldn't help but wonder how crazy Vasilie had to be to schedule our spars for both mornings and afternoons with the morning practices starting at 4.


Not even bothering to stifle my yawn, I let it ring out across the empty training hall.

After all, as her partner, I had to arrive earlier than her, so, the time right now was 3:55.

Stretching for a bit, I warmed my body up for the entirety of the time before she arrived.

And, befitting of her status, she arrived just on time, not a second too late, nor a second too early.

After that, it was just straight up sparring.

Although, before we started, I made sure to make a note in my head to teach her about stretches later.


"We'll be sparring today, those with a set partner, please stay in your seats so that I may make the pairings without any problems." Stated Karina.

I watched as the majority of the class got up and walked to the front of the class, leaving only 4 people sitting back in the classroom.

Seeing that I was still in my seat, Karina's eyes widened, but she didn't comment on it and started assigning people to groups of two.

Sitting back, I studied the other partnership, something that had never been stated in the book.

'Seven and Four... Hmm... it makes sense actually.'

After all, who would the piggy bank partner with, if not the assassin? They were both in slimy professions after all.

Feeling my gaze on him, Four turned around and stared back at me, daring me to back down, but, being Vasilie's partner, I couldn't just do that now, could I?

After a short while, as Karina finished the pairings, Four finally looked away, so I looked over at Vasilie, wondering what we were going to do.

Seeing my questioning look, Vasilie didn't do anything special and just turned back to Karina, listening as she explained the instructions for the duels.

Sighing, seeing that she didn't want me to do anything special, I just sat back in my seat with my hands laced behind my head, arching my back and stretching my body out like a cat.

My chair started tilting, almost to the point of falling over, but with my superhuman muscle control, I was able to keep the chair always on the cusp.

"Get down! Aren't you afraid of hurting yourself?" Asked the girl beside me, before quickly covering her mouth with both her hands, her good nature having suddenly gotten the better of her.

After all, seeing that I was the partner of somebody, I was almost definitely going to be of a higher status than her, so her outburst just now could have brought terrible repercussions on her family.

But, she was lucky, as I was one of the only, well, the only student that was lower in status than her.

That's right, a fallen noble actually had a standing that was worse than a commoner in the eyes of the law.

"It's fine, don't worry about it too much." I said, smiling a little to ease her worries.

"I-I'm a commoner..." She stated, as if wanting the punishment.

Sighing, I took a better look at the girl sitting beside me.

'A sloppy uniform, black accessories, short, black hair with bangs covering her eyes, and red eyes... it was kind of expected for it to be like that at this point.'

"And I'm a fallen noble." I stated, not particularly caring about the volume of my voice.

With that single sentence, I was met with countless ugly stares as many of the other students looked at me in disgust.

"You see?" I asked, pointing all around us, "I'm lower than you."

She could only gape as she saw a student that was treated even worse than her, the gazes making it obvious that I was basically nothing but trash in the eyes of the other students.

Of course, some of them were wondering who I had partnered with, but they just assumed that I was a fallen noble partnered with a low noble from another class.

"Why did you say that so loudly? Now you'll be the punching bag for all those nobles..." She whispered, almost as if in a trance, again, her good natured side showing as she worried about me.

You see, Tantia, the future, "Black Witch", wore a naturally cold exterior, but often showed a more caring side towards people that she perceived as cute.

'Wait, does that mean that she thinks I'm cute?'


'Whatever, it probably just something that's happening as she hasn't faced her trials yet, being a newbie student and all... definitely...'

Anyways, I just assured her that I would be fine, before standing up from my seat at the exact same time as Vasilie, as Karina started leading us out of the classroom and towards the Bruiser.

Once we were inside the bruiser, Karina took out a keycard and opened up one of the restricted areas, a much bigger training hall where an instructor could watch over their students from a balcony above.

Immediately, I started walking towards one of the sparring circles, but a group of male students suddenly surrounded me.

Not even fazing me for a second, I jumped over them and continued walking towards the sparring circle, Vasilie still standing in the crowd as she observed how I would handle the situation.

"Hey! What are you doing, you lowly slave? Don't you know your place? Us nobles get first pick in everything, so get back here and kneel!" Shouted one of the noble mobs.

Was I really a protagonist in a book or something? Why was I experiencing the cliche "Noble group picks on easy looking protagonist who beats them up afterwards" event?

That was the only reasoning that could explain my current situation, right? At least to my knowledge...

Anyways, purging these dumb thoughts from my mind, I continued walking to the sparring circle.

Then, suddenly feeling a slight heat on my back... well, I didn't do anything as I let the fireball explode on the small of my back.

"Yeah, show that degenerate his place!" Shouted one of the other nobles, presumably commenting on one of the other's fireball.

But, once the smoke cleared, and they saw that my shirt wasn't even the slightest bit blackened, and that I had just continued walking like nothing had happened, they could only stare in shock, except for one of the dumber, more hunky ones.

Running towards me, he raised his fist and shouted, "I'm going to smash you to a pulp right n...!?"

Immediately, a sword was placed at the base of his neck.

Turning around, red in anger at the person who had stopped his rampage towards me, he shot his fist out, only to figuratively pee his pants right afterwards as his face showed an expression of total fear.

"M-M-Ms. Azeal?"

"Move." She ordered, her words showing no room for dissent.

"Y-yes." Quickly stepping aside, he just looked on in horror as Vasilie stepped into the same sparring ring as me.

It was at this moment, that he knew... he had fucked up.

Everybody else was also staring in shock, including Karina, but we didn't care as we immediately started our spar.

As for me, I was only thinking about one thing as soon as our blades clashed.

'It's about time that I started teaching her.'