A Spark (4) - 37


I dodged to the right and feinted.


I ducked under a sword swing and jumped over her.


I got her right in the back of the neck before completing my flip and flowing right into my next motion.


I swept her legs from under her and held the edge of my wooden sword to her neck.

"You lost, again."

Of course, I was just being petty.

I mean, it was only a matter of time before she surpassed me with her immense talent, so, I had to enjoy these moments whilst I still could.

Then, a far cry from the tone of my voice just now, I extended my hand towards her, and she gladly accepted, so I pulled her up.

It had been a few days since I taught her my three ideals, and we had been practicing hard every morning as per the agreement.

And, as the tritagonist, Vasilie grew by leaps and bounds each day, already making up about 50% of the ground between us.

Yet, I could already tell that, although she would be able to make up the ground between us, this would only be to the point where she started winning. Due to my 50+ more years of experience over her, she would take at least 10 years to fully defeat me in terms of pure technique.

Then, you might be wondering, why didn't we just spar in terms of purely technique then, well, that was because it was impossible.

With her bodily constitution, I just stood no chance in terms of adaptability, flexibility, and innate muscular power. After all, Lysander's body had been designed to be extremely weak in the novel, and it was only after those 5 years of hard work training in the north that I was able to get the slightest midget of my six pack to show.

This thin, lanky body lined by lean muscles was just sad to be honest.

Well, I wouldn't exactly call it sad, as this was the perfect body type if you were going for beauty, but I was a boy here...

I mean, with my looks and this body, I would bet that 50% of people would mistake me for a 12 year old girl at first.

You know it's bad if your student is 25% taller than you.

'Why in the world did I have to be so short?!!'

I could only cry out to the world, an unknown god listening to my sorrows.

Anyways, today was a Saturday, so we had been training for the entirety of the day, this fact evident by how we had already changed out of 5 pairs of clothes, all soaked in sweat.

"That's enough for today." I said, after seeing the sorry state that Vasilie was in.

After all, I hadn't held back my techniques one bit, so bruises were flashing all over her jade-like skin from under her clothes.


"No buts, you need to rest and heal up. If you go any further, you'd be pushing your body past its limits. Promise me you won't continue practicing once you go back to your dormitory."

"I promise..."

"And that you'll take Sunday off?"


"Sigh... Do whatever you want, but don't come running to me when your body breaks down."


"I'll see you again on Monday."

Being only met with silence, I quickly reminded myself to get used to it, before shaking my head and leaving the private training room.

She was her own person, and could do whatever she wanted, I shouldn't have done that.

But, why was I getting worried for her?


Anyways, getting out of my thoughts, I called out into thin air.


"Yes, Young Master?" She replied back, not even a second after the breath of air had left my mouth.

"I can feel the connection once again."

"Let's go."

Without another word, she took me in her arms, and then we both disappeared.


You see, as I already knew that Gwen basically knew everything about me and my sister from her past regression, I had "confessed" to her all my secrets, "not knowing" that she didn't know about this new connection that we had.

I had also told her about all my powers, but that was so I could have her train me back in the castle.

I hadn't even told Char this information yet, but that was because, on the subject of keeping secrets, Gwen was a lot more trustworthy than Char, who was technically obligated to tell all my secrets to my dad.

But, with me telling one of them one thing, and the other something else, I was able to effectively train and control everything, leaving no open weaknesses on my self.

So, now, Gwen was taking us in just a straight line away from the capitol, as we were testing the limits of the connection between me and my sister.

We were also trying to get out of range as quickly as possible, as it wasn't the time for me to talk with her yet.


"Right here?" She asked, after somehow stopping immediately, negating all the momentum that she had built up without having G-Forces affecting her body.

"So, did you figure out which of the three happened?"

"Yes, she's been sent on a mission outside of the city to secure a dungeon. She passed inside the range of the connection just a few minutes ago and she's heading closer to our position in our direction."

"Let's get out of her way then." I said, relieved that the worse possible scenario hadn't come to pass.

You see, before we had even left the castle, Gwen and I had come up with a few contingency plans for the possibility of my connection with my sister acting up during my stay in the same city as her.

The first possibility was that we had both become powerful enough that the radius of our connection had spanned the gap between the Pantheon and the Royal Court. The plan for this possibility had just been to completely withdraw myself from the Pantheon and go on the run.

The second possibility was what had just occurred, where my sister or I had accidentally gotten too close to the other, initiating the connection. The plan for this possibility, as shown, was to just get me out of the range as quickly as possible, so that Eva would just think that the sudden spike in the connection was just a trick of her brain.

The third was that someone else had interfered, but, let's just say I hoped that this "connection" was something that only Eva and I had, or this novel would be too complicated for the author to write (The author's probably just lazy tho...).

Anyways, we waited until the radius of connection around my sister completely left the Pantheon before Gwen took me back, taking us back to my room.

"Thank you."

Knowing that this was a dismissal, Gwen just bowed her head before quickly leaving, whilst I stared out the window at the direction I knew my sister had left the city in.

I reminisced a little over our childhood memories, remembering her smiling face for a little bit, something that I hadn't pictured during the past few years due to my intensive training.

She was one of the only thinks keeping me sane after all.

'She was so cute back then... I wonder what she looks like now?'

Continuing to look in that direction, my gaze swept past the city and to the surrounding countryside, all of it mellowly shining under the red light of the setting sun coming from behind me.

If I remembered correctly, Eva would have to face a life and death scenario in "that" dungeon.

But, I couldn't do anything from here except pray for her safety.

"Stay safe... Sis."


I got a question for you guys. Remember how at the beginning, I told y'all that I'd rush through the beginning and then come back later? Well, I think it's about time, probably after chapter 40.

So, should I write the flashbacks, just to extrapolate on the relationship between the two siblings? Or should I wait a little longer?

Cause like, I know a lot of y'all hate Eva, and, I want a chance to change y'all's minds.

Anyways, please tell me your thoughts.