Jekyll and Hyde (3) - 43

As soon as I realized that she was the pyro, I...

...honestly didn't care and fell asleep.

Sure, my reaction earlier had been a little exaggerated, but it wasn't because I didn't like pyros or anything, it was just because I didn't expect to meet another character in the story this early on.

Well, technically, I had "met" all of them, but it wasn't like I had interacted with any of them other than Vasilie and that black witch girl who's name I'd already forgotten.

Anyways, it was time to enjoy my much needed sleep, as lunch was only an hour long, so I quickly drifted off into la la land again.


Jolting awake with exactly five minutes left before the next class would start, I sleepily rubbed my eyes before quickly getting up to go to my next class, only to see that Reese was currently unconscious on the floor of the library.

Her burnt hair and blackened face were already big indicators of what had happened, but it wasn't like she woken me up, so I didn't particularly care about what she did.

The only thing I thought she could have done different was to just cut her hair short instead of buying hair elongation potions every day, as those expenditures had probably cost her more money than was in my trust fund by now.


Picking her up, I dropped her off at the infirmary, which was on the way to my next subject, before entering the colosseum-like room that was the setting for my next class.

Yep, I was finally entering the class where one learned how to fight with their skills and powers.

It was also the class that my "dad" had put me in so that I could get beat up.

After all, with each of the people in the noble class training as Knights or Magicians from when they were little, it was no shock that they all had battle strength far greater than mine.

Oh, I forgot, I haven't really explained the power system in this world yet, right?

Well, let me explain it to all you readers:

So first, there were knights, who forced mana from outside into their mana circuits to boost their physical power.

Knights often stored their power in "stars" around their heart, basically, a generic setting that was used in a bunch of different novels.

And obviously, unless this is your first time hearing about this type of power system, you should know that the more stars a knight has, the stronger they are.

That was all I was going to say about that, and if you needed more information about this type of power system, just go read another novel like "Legendary Son of the Marquis House" for a more in-depth explanation of the power system.

Okay, now that I'm done with that, let us talk about the power system of the mages.

And, what do you know? It's the exact same power system as the knights, with stars storing mana being situated around the heart, just, mages used the mana by manifesting it outside of their bodies by channeling it through their mana circuits, instead of using it on the inside. Pretty simple, right?

Again, if you didn't understand, just go read another novel that has a more in-depth explanation of this power system.

Anyways, this was the power system of this novel, which, aside from the fact that everyone had a special skill, was basically the exact same as the power system in every single other Korean medieval themed novel.

So now, back to the problem at hand. You see, most of the students in the Noble Class had already created one or two stars, whether they were a martial artist or mage didn't matter, and the truly exceptional students had already created three stars around their heart to hold their mana.

But, I, a person that had just "truly" awakened a little while ago, and had started using a breathing technique only recently, had only a grand total of... zero stars around my heart.

Yeah, I was basically screwed.

The only way that I could really win was if my sparring opponent looked down on me and I was able to use my superior technique to get in close.

But, then again, my strike would probably do nothing to a martial arts practitioner above one star as it would just bounce off their mana reinforced body.

So, this method was only useful in front of a magician, but then again, magicians were glass cannons that, although had a very weak defense, would definitely kick my ass if I allowed them enough time to finish a spell.

Basically, it was lose-lose no matter the why I put it, but then, I remembered, because I was Vasilie's partner, I would have to spar with her.

And that could only mean one thing.

'Hmm... I wonder what hell looks like around this time of year?'

Resigning myself to my fate, I turned around to look for Vasilie, and noticing that she was on the other side of the stadium, I walked over to sit down beside her.

Immediately after I reached her side, Vasilie pulled something out of her bag and handed it to me.

"The black sacs under your eyes look unsightly."

Hearing this, and then no further explanation, my curiosity was piqued, and so I opened the bag that she had given me, only to find some powdered bleach.


She then looked at me with a terrifying gaze.

Not hesitating anymore, I quickly pinched the bleach in between my fingers before carefully dabbing it on the black circles under my eyes.

And with that, I looked spotless, looking like a partner of high nobility once again.

I actually finished right as the instructor of this class walked in, who, not even choosing to hide it, looked for me in the stands before staring at me for the entirety of his lecture.

'Yup, he's been paid off like the rest of them.'

Like, literally, the only one of my teachers that hadn't been paid off this entire time was Karina, and that was expected.

The only good thing was that I was currently "untouchable", being the partner of Vasilie and all, they really couldn't hurt me unless they had a good excuse.

And, as of right now, they couldn't find a good excuse.

Laughing inwardly at their obvious attempts to sabotage me, I once again thought about how choosing to be Vasilie's partner had been one of the best decisions of my life.

But then, I was broken out of this happy illusion, right after I had settled myself in it actually.

"Rank 21, Lysander, how about we battle with each other to give the class a demo?" "Asked" the teacher, as the implications behind his words were obviously clear to everyone in the room.

'I would be forced to fight him anyways, right? Well, I'm fucked.'

I had spoken too soon earlier, hadn't I?