Here's the Deal

Like the title said, I was somehow able to make a deal with my parents.

Thinking back on it now, I wonder if I should have just done this in the first place, but the past is the past, and I really can't change it.

Anyways, after whooping my butt to the nine heavens, my parents eventually calmed down after I explained some things to them.

Like, how I could earn money from this to pay for my college tuition, how it was helping with AP English, and how it was helping me on my path to become a lawyer.

Surprisingly, they were extremely reasonable after hearing about the money thing, and how I had been doing it for the past semester without it affecting my grades.

Welp, in the end, they said that I couldn't sign the contract now, as they didn't want me focusing on writing due to the money, so, I'm still stuck in the exact same situation.

They've also limited my writing time each day to only 1 hour, with no writing time at all if I have a test the next day.

So yeah, those are going to be the rules that I will be under now.

Now, for changes in the story, because somehow, I only realized now that the latest arc is absolute shit.

Reading it after all these days, yeah, there's no other phrase to describe it except for "absolute shit".

Point is, it's so bad that I'm completely deleting it except for the 10 chapters with the flashback.

It'll be a little complicated, but basically, I'll delete everything back until the point where he's with his step-sis, and then I'll start a much better arc that incorporates my prized 10 chapters of emotional damage in it.

So yeah, for a short while, the 10 chapters won't be available whilst I write the beginning of the new arc.

After that, if you guys see a 10 chapter mass release, well, it should be pretty obvious from the buildup too.

Anyways, that's all for now. I'll post the first chapter of the new arc in an hour or so.