Breakthrough: Peak Seventh Stage Martial King Realm

In the dimly lit cavern, Arthur handed over the Transcendent Grade Tier 5 Nine Star Foundation Pills to Helia and Anastasia.

Their eyes widened as they cradled the pills in their hands, a mix of awe and gratitude etched on their faces.

"Young Master, this... I can't believe you created pills of this caliber," Helia exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

Anastasia, equally stunned, added, "This is beyond anything we could have expected. Thank you. But just how many things do you know how to do, Arthur?"

Arthur waved it off casually. "Don't mention it. We are family, no need for too much talk. Now, go ahead and cultivate. We have a lot more to explore in this secret realm, and I want us all at our best."

The two girls nodded in unison, expressions resolute. They moved to separate corners of the cavern, each finding a secluded space to begin their cultivation.