Nice To Meet You.

"God darn it, Liam!" He scratches his head in irritation. "Fine! It's true, okay? Now, leave."

[WARNING: Includes quite mature terms, read at your own risk.]

Liam's tears are at their limits of staying in his eyes.

"Austin!" He stops his boyfriend from shutting the door before him. "What now? WHAT?"

"W-why didn't you just tell me..?" Liam's tears are at their limits of staying in his eyes, but he didn't have time to stop them from falling. His chest is hurting and he doesn't know why; but right now he is at the worst condition he's ever been, as he has never cried this way or at least in front of anyone before.

It's terrifying because even Liam has now clarified that it was never his best friend's fault, whom he just successfully pushed away because he loved and trusted his boyfriend too much.

"What, you're crying? Haha! I didn't know you were so fragile, Liam." He stares at Liam, whose face is currently drenched in tears, as he laughs in disappointment and amusement. He snaps out, then smiles and says, "Okay, okay, Liam. Wanna know one more thing?"

"I slept with Eunice. Haha! Isn't that cool? I mean, it felt a little weird since we're friends, but.. Man, it still felt really good." He looks down with a smile, recalling the night he seduced the pristine Eunice. "W-when..? Why??"

"Hm.. Well it was to help you, actually." He replied.

"I sort of got annoyed since she would pop at my gateway saying she wants you back, and it bothered me because she was being a nuisance. Soooo... yea, I just gave mine to her." He added. "I mean she's still hot, though. Don't get me wrong."

Liam's heart burned like hell. His boyfriend just said he slept with another girl like it's nothing.

"Come on now, Liam, smile! I did you a favor! You should at least thank me, too, man!" He leans his face in closer to Liam's—he seems to be making fun of him.

Liam looks up to Austin looking exasperated with his wet and tired eyes, while his body trembles in disbelief. His vision is blurry, but it doesn't matter—he can see the look on Austin's face clearly. "We're done, Austin."

"We've always been done." His boyfriend.. No, ex-boyfriend—His ex-boyfriend fights back.

Liam looks to the ground. He closes his eyes while face quivers once again as more tears come out, whilst he is hiding them from Austin.

Austin spits on his head after laughing for a little while. He chuckles once again under his breath. "This is all your fault, Liam. You dated me, decided to hide it from her, and then you dated her for some 'Aw, sh*t. I've got family problems' thing." He mocks him.

"And now, she's fallen for you and I'm just trying to protect you from her," he added.

Liam cries and cries with his head down, and then freezes when she hears a woman's voice come from inside Austin's house.

"Austin, what's taking so long?" A beautiful woman wearing black lingerie comes to pull Austin's neck with her arms for a long kiss.

"Sorry. We'll continue soon," he replies.

"Eunice..?" Liam stares at her, kissing his ex-boyfriend.

"Oh wow, what's 'Boyfriend' doing here?" She checks Liam out, from head to toe and vice versa. "Don't mind him. Go back inside, baby. Let's go." Austin closes the door, leaving Liam in the dark while he leads Eunice inside. "Ugh—I had to put a shirt on, I'm sorry baby."

Liam is wretched. It's like a heavy weight is placed on his chest—a constant pain he can hardly breathe for no matter how much oxygen he takes into his lungs.

He's never felt this way before. He was indeed betrayed by the man he had fallen for—but he has a best friend, and he sure did her heart worse. He fought for the wrong.

Whilst he walks down the dark gateway, rain starts pouring, making his hair stick to his forehead. The air around him is humid, as if his skin was covered with an oil slick and it's dripping into his clothes and his pants from the damp pavement.

He shivers in his wet clothes, and does not turn back to Austin's for shelter as he continues walking to his car through the pouring water.

Soon, he drives himself out of the village—still with tears on his face that feel unstoppable. He notices his phone on the passenger seat and decides to pick it up while he pays the other hand to drive the steering wheel.

He dials Mikayla, but she does not pick up. After about ten minutes, he's tried so many times but nothing seems to be progressing for him.

At this point, he's thinking if he should sneak into her university again, but he isn't sure if he's able to do that at 11:37 PM. He wants to talk and apologize to Mikayla so bad, but he keeps thinking about that glare Mikayla left him the last time they talked. Liam feels so disappointed in himself. And though he wishes to rebuild his friendship with Mikayla once again, he can't seem to believe that there's still hope for the both of them.

While driving across the street, he looked at the second floor of a small building, and there he saw a glimpse of a lady that seemed very familiar to him. Wearing light blue floral dress, with white shoes and a white long-sleeved bolero, and a small white purse that matches her dress perfectly; it's Mikayla.

He saw her enter the restaurant with a tall man wearing a suit. Was that a random guy? Who was that?

He goes to quickly park his car in the parking lot under the building, and hurries to the second floor, still in his wet button-up and ivory-colored pants. He tries to phone Mikayla many times as he dashes, but it seems that Mikayla's phone isn't powered on.

As soon as he tries to enter the restaurant, the security guard standing just by the entrance stopped him with his baton. "Not so fast, Sir," he says.


"You're in drenched clothes, Sir."

"Come on, I'll be quick—I just need to talk to the lady that just walked in earlier."

"Oh, you're trying to get yourself a woman? No chance, Sir. She's married—saw the ring."

Liam is left open-mouthed. For some reason that he can't figure out, he feels like he wants to—or is about to, at least—cry. Mikayla is married? He can't believe it. Has he been gone for too long? There's no way this all happened in a couple weeks. Does Mikayla really not think of Liam as her best friend, anymore?

"Mm, sounds like pain, doesn't it, Sir?" The security guard smiles at Liam, poking fun at him.

"There seems to be some kind of mistake, Sir. I don't think she will get married like that in a couple days."

"Yea, yea, yea, bla, bla, bla. Just sit down there and wait for the married woman you want to hit on."

"Okay, I'm not trying to-"

"Shh." The mocking guard points the end of his baton to the wet man defending himself.

For minutes, he sat there waiting for Mikayla to come out, although he has absolutely no idea how long it would take. But he still searches into the restaurant to look for Mikayla through the glass. 'Okay, she should be eating by now, maybe on her third bite...'

'Come on, Mika... You should be getting up by now...'

He closes his eyes and starts mumbling as he stands against the glass wall; "I calculate that... she will be walking out that door... in 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2..."

"Hey, wake up. She's coming out." The security guard interferes while he tries to focus.

"What?" He quickly looks everywhere, searching for Mikayla. However, all he finds near the door is... an old lady wearing a white dress, walking with an old man wearing a white shirt and brown pants locked with a leather belt.

"Hey Ma'am, excuse me? I apologize, but this weird man next to me wants to-" Liam quickly covers the guard's mouth with his hand, making the guard's eyes open wide. "I want to say you two are a great couple, Madam, Sir.."

As the two walk away, the security guard takes Liam's hand off his mouth. "What the heck, man?"

"Dude, that's an old married couple. She's not the one I was talking about! Jeez." He explains.

"Oh sh*t, sorry. They were the last ones that walked in, though.. Man, your hand smells like dead fish." The security guard mumbles to himself.

"Liam?" Mikayla has walked out of the door, and the two best friends look at each other in surprise.

"Mika. I-" His focus was dragged away from Mikayla when he noticed the handsome man wearing a suit next to his best friend.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Andre Huang."