Book 2| The Fall of Larry

Larry starts to bleed while looking at a person it was Tarrine, swiftly cutting his stomach open, showing his intestine. "Why hello old man, it has been a while." Larry realizes and swiftly runs away holding his intestine from his stomach but getting caught by another follower in the process. "Now now tell me where the boys are '' As Chaos talks Elian and his brother with his father run out of the house.

Eric sees what's going down and blows a whistle, all of the sudden a flock of birds fly away from rumbling, the cars license plate falls off from that rumbling, suddenly,the house vanishes as well Larry's body miss chaos, body gets cut in 2 as well as her followers turning into mush. "Kids i see you please, stay put we need you" As Chaos talks the kids literally just walk away.

"Do you think it's over Elian?" Elain then says "Probably?? Brother i do not know, Do you wanna stay here to find out?" They then walk back home and for some random reason it's clean!!?!

Every nook and cranny is clean!!?! But wasn't it beyond repair? "Yes it was beyond repair" Says the creepy guy behind them "WOAH" Says

Elian And Bayo "Wait did you clean this place?" "yes i did and please call me Grimm Florence" "Ok, Grimm Florence? Why did you clean are home?" "Well out of kindness of course and well because i'll meet you again might as well know where ya live"

Eric Black enters but does not care to see Grimm "Children go to bed and yes yes I know Grimm cleaned up the place pay no mind to it for the day just sleep." Eric then leaves while having a little chat with Grimm.

Fenon walks into the house also to see that it's clean but pays no mind and sleeps on the comfortable sofa that suddenly speaks. "Hey get off of me, I know I'm tiny but not that tiny!!! Get off!!!" "Oh sorry umm what was your name again?" The small creat- I mean the creature gets angry from the comment but still says their name the 5th time.

"Ok here i go again my name is Juniper and im well no i was the paper worker but sadly the household has vanished with Larry because a human broke the barrier of the house and well you were the human" Fenon noticies that it was his fault finally "Dear god im sorry i didn't know your magic had limits to humans." "Magic? HAH the house was doing that it's alive ya bozo" As Fenon and Juniper talk

Bayo sees Juniper and starts running top speed to hug her, Juniper suddenly vanishes to evade Bayo. Bayo hits his head on Fenon then sleeps and Fenon also gets knocked out until the next day.

The door gets 2 knocks and the newspaper slides in. It looks like Elians report card came in as well as all of the bills, "Oh lord the bills did i leave that reached tv on?" Fenon realizes that he has to pay a 1 thousand dollar electric bill.