Survivor Catalyst System Summary

The system is designed to reward and progress it's host through the rebirth of civilization.

It does so by focusing on 3 categories of survival, by which it judges and monitors the host's progress.

1. Personal: It takes account of the host's innate attributes when ascertaining their personal score and allows the use of accumulated viral load points (or AVLP) in the purchases of beneficial mutations or in exchange for other store items. The average human pre-infection stats are usually 10 in the fields of Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Luck.

2. Material: This category defines the area of space and all resources reasonably claimed by the host and calculates its contribution to the host's survival. Though to claim an area the host must be able to reasonably defend the area or it will not be registered in the calculation. The items that contribute to this score include buildings, vehicles, and resources, marked as base points (or BP).

3. Civilization: This category is aimed at ensuring the host progresses towards a self-sustaining and propagating society. For a single man, a civilization does not make. There are many methods the host can make use of to expand the population and workforce of their territory which will in turn increase their civilization points (or CP).

Point Conversion: 1 CP : 3 BP : 12 AVLP

Features Unlocked to Date:

>New Life Form- (100 CP) This option is the most expensive and has several detriments, which include the new life form will essentially be a blank template aside from the information included in their profession and will need to develop an independent personality to count towards CP.

>Event Manipulation- (5 CP) The system will influence nearby events to provide the host with an opportunity to recruit an individual to their faction or gain a substantial resource in a quest-like format.

>Conquest- (+ Variable Scaled to Size) The act of including a community into your territory will add them to your CP evaluation.

>Natural Growth- (+ 1 CP for every 100 pop increase) The increase of population through traditional and other methods will provide the greatest boost to CP as it is an indicator of a relatively stable society.

>Shop- The Shop is a feature afforded to allow the transfer and acquisition of resources and various points to aid the host in developing the foundation for the rebirth of their world.

Host's Skills Acquired to Date:

>Viral Conversion- This allows the host to transfer accumulated viral load into AVLP for use in further mutation development.