Let's find the killer before He gets his second victim

in a room, John and Rimuru were sitting and waiting for Akako till Yato came and said

[Yato]: where is, doctor Kal'tsit

[Rimuru]: in the room with Akako why

[Yato]: your friend Ahma was found half dead and required Medical help from an expert or he won't be able to walk again or even move

as soon as she said this John and Rimuru Ran to the room where Kal'tsit and Akako were and they broke the door

[John and Rimuru]: Akboakoss Ahma wfwefye dead wersh needryc

Akako: talk one by one now Rimuru start why did you split the door in half

[Rimuru]: Ahma was found half dead, and they need doctor Kal'tsit's help and we need your help to find the killer

[Kal'tsit]: how did a killer get here I had S.W.E.E.P. do a Clean up before you come I need to look into this

after that, all of them ran to the infirmary, and when they arrived and saw Ahma state it was a shock

[Kal'tsit]: your friend has a broken skull and a tremor in the brain and his Spinal Cord is damaged and more...this is not an Attempted murder it is a hate crime the first hit was to kill him but the second was out of hate why

[John]: I find out why come look here

Written on the ground in blood [the killer is flat chested (° ͜ʖ°)]

[Rimuru]: yes this is Ahma doing not the killer

[John]: why does he do this stuff every time

[Akako]: 100% Ahma no wonder the killer hates him but this is hard he only has given us one clue and after some time in here I saw a lot of flat-chested girls but it can be a man to

[Rimuru]: Akako please don't do something stupid like asking girls if they are flat or not

[Akako]: hy now I'm not the half-dead guy on the ground so you will go Rimuru

[Rimuru]: why me

[Akako]: you are cute and where are Noah and Arakan and Goosein I can see Grey sleeping here but where are they

[Yato]: they follow the blood Line look

Yato point at the long blood, line on the ground that goes out of the room

[note: Grey walked for some time tell she find a water cooler]

[Akako]: wow this is weird

[John]: why is it weird

[Akako]: Because I've never seen a professional killer leave such clear evidence after he did a crime like this

[Rimuru]: it is really weird

[???]: good morning everyone

When they heard this voice everyone looked at the Source it was Grey she wake-up

[note: Grey was wearing operating clothes now]

[John]: Grey finally you wake up do you need anything

[Grey]; will I'm hungry so where is the cafeteria can someone help me walk to I can't move my left leg now

[John}: I will go you guys find the killer come on Grey

after John took Grey to the cafeteria

[at the cafeteria ]

[Grey]: wow this place is huge

[John]: ok now Grey tell me what you want to eat and I will make you some

[Grey]: meat a lot of meat and some clod ice water

[John]: ok I will be back after some time just sit here ok

Grey nods to John and after he left she says

[Grey]: stats

name; Grey

species: magic fire and ice jellyfish demi-human

age: [9] days

exp: [7041/19000]

level: [39]

hp: [600/1400]

mana: [0/2000]

skill{s}: killer cold and hot sting{7}, ice magic{9}, fire magic{9}, human form{max}, magic breath{max}, Ice Fire magic{8}, bloodlust{7}, thermal Vision{5}, dark Vision{5}, sword skill{4}, gun skill{5}. toxic making {6}, pain resistance{6}, heat resistance{4}, shovel skill{2}, axe skill{3}. super-healing{7},

[warning: you have a damaged orb of magic {fire} and {ice} and {Ice Fire} till they are fixed you can't use magic ]

[Warning: your magic vines are damaged you can't absorb mama till they are fixed]

[Warning: your body is weak till you have a full stomach you can't heal]

[Grey]: looks like I'm in a bad condition next time I need to train my skills before I use them... if you were their will you still love me why did I say no to you it was The biggest mistake of my life but please wait I will come back for you and marry you and then I will wife you but now I need to eat

after some time [half an hour] John came with five stacks

[John]: here are some sand beast steaks miss Amiya helped me make them sorry but I need to go now

[Grey]: it is ok but can you get me some threads and needles and cotton and a guitar

[John]: I can do this now rest and eat

[Grey]: ok

after John left Grey looked at the five steaks and then she took one bite two three four five she then looked at the empty plate but not long after John came And bring what she wanted

[Grey]: thanks

[John]: no need to thank me Grey you are like a little sister to me now I need to go bay

[Grey]: bay

after John left again Grey looked at the threads and needles and cotton and she start working tell she made a small dokutah and Amiya


after she finished working she grabbed the guitar but she did not know how many people were looking at her from the time she made the small dokutah and Amiya but Grey she start singing so everyone become Quiet

[note: I don't own the song]

[Grey]: Living Life, In The Night

[Lord knows and I think I know it too sometimes

Everytime and they reachin' out for what's mine

Lord knows and I think I know it too sometimes

Everytime and they reachin' out for what's mine

I've been awake for days, so we out living life in the night

Pray to god, man I hope I don't die ]

she sings like this for five minutes and when she finished she heard clapping she look around her to see more than a hundred Operator clapping for her will she was embarrassed by this

[let us go to Noah and Arakan before Grey entered the cafeteria]

[Arakan]: Noah is the killer here or are you wanting to laugh at me for saying a dark basement is the best place to hide

[Noah]: stop we are here

in front of them was a door with the sign written on it (the dark basement)

[Noah]: the killer is here I can smell his blood

[Arakan]: Noah are we going to a dark place that may have a killer who can take down Ahma the fastest one of us

before the two of them can enter the dark basement Goosein came running at them and stopped in front of the door

[Goosein]: you two I have finally found you where did you two disappear

[Arakan]: good now come with us the killer is here

[Goosein]: you need to tell me later but now let me give the killer a piece of my mind or maybe more

[Noah]: ok let us go in

after the three of them entered the (dark basement) some weird music started playing dark and annoying (dark souls music) and the door suddenly get shut and a big green Originium Slug came out of the dark and they heard this

[you found the secret boss {buff boll the green one}]

{buff boll the green one}


[Arakan]: so he is the killer now

[Goosein]: let us make you ever

[Noah]: ley a hand on our friends die

[ chapter end ]