The Next Offering is His Sister

The black-robed men, including Huang Xing'er, were shocked by that sigh. Then, their expressions suddenly changed, and they knelt on the ground one after another.

"Lord Mountain God, you, you have manifested?" Village Chief Huang was so excited that his voice was trembling.

"Today, a new believer has joined you." A pleasant voice that sounded like high mountains and flowing water came from the Mountain God Temple. "This believer isn't a villager of Oriole Village, but I hope you won't ostracize him."

His gentle tone was like a loving elder reminding his juniors.

All the black-robed men knelt on the ground in the most humble posture and said in unison, "Yes."

"Look, he's here." The pleasant voice was filled with laughter.

All the black-robed men turned around and looked behind them.

A man in a light green robe walked over in the night. His handsome face was as pious and enthusiastic as theirs.