Feng'er, Yan'er, Quickly...

The wax men's hollow eyes looked over at the same time. Their originally expressionless faces revealed a smile at the same time. The corners of their mouths widened to the back of their ears. Their smiles were extremely strange!

Shen Liu'an drew his longsword and stood in front of his two sons in a flash.

"Hehehe, living people, living people…!" A hoarse and strange voice sounded like nails scratching glass. Crackling sounds came from the wax man's neck, and his entire body trembled as if he was spasming. Suddenly, his waist snapped with a cracking sound. In a twisted posture, his belly faced up. Then, his four limbs were on the ground, and he used his hands and feet like a wild beast. He swayed his head and rushed towards the four of them with a twisted expression.

Mao Qi was the closest to the wax man. He kicked the wax man's head away. "Get lost, you disgusting thing!"