She Will Definitely Be Pampered In the Future

The Charity Institute was located on Furong Street in the center of the imperial capital. There was a lot of traffic here to begin with. Coupled with the free porridge given by the Charity Institute today, it attracted a large number of beggars to line up, making the Charity Institute look like a marketplace. It was even livelier than usual.

Huo Zhao locked onto Yu Linlang's figure in the bustling crowd.

Yu Linlang changed her previous outfit of a rich young lady. She didn't have any makeup on her face, but she was beautiful, fresh, and refined. She was wearing a light blue cotton dress, and her hair was nonchalantly rolled up with a wooden hairpin. Her sleeves were rolled up, revealing half of her tender lotus root-like arm. She was smiling as she scooped porridge for a dirty beggar child.

A beam of sunlight in the sky shone on Yu Linlang, making the surrounding passers-by praise her.