Junhan, You Bullied Me

"Junhan, this is braised pork, and this is stewed pork ribs. Then, there are three stir-fried dishes and a steamed fish. Which one do you want to eat first?" Shen Yaowei asked expectantly.

"Fish." Huo Junhan hesitated for a moment. He confirmed that he couldn't tell what the other three plates of black food were. In the end, he could only extend his chopsticks to the steamed fish that still had some appearance.

With a crisp crack, Huo Junhan's chopsticks seemed to pick up a piece of carbon instead of fish.

Under everyone's nervous gazes, Huo Junhan put the piece of carbon-like substance into his mouth.

To Huo Junhan's surprise, the fish meat tasted good.

"Delicious," Huo Junhan commented.

Actually, it wasn't delicious. It could only be considered medium-class. However, it had already exceeded his expectations that it could have such a taste.