Miss Shen, Help Yourself

"Miss Baili, why aren't you resting at this hour?" Shen Yaowei looked at the delicate beauty in front of her and took a few more glances at her. She realized that her temperament was very different from that of ordinary women.

The ethereal appearance of Baili Se made her resemble a ghost, exuding a delicate and fragile aura that even speaking loudly to her felt unbearable..

Baili Se smiled gently, her voice enchanting and melodious. "Everyone has come a long way and probably doesn't have much appetite. We didn't eat much for dinner either. Since I've been thinking about this, I bought fresh venison and invited everyone to have a barbecue in the garden. The other esteemed members of the Imperial Preceptor's residence have already gone ahead, and I came specifically to find you both to go together."