Ugly Person

"Stop crying. It's just a small wound. Is there a need to make it bleed so much? It can be cured with a little lick of the tongue." The leader, Bai Xueji, glanced at the Ghost General coldly. Seeing his rough appearance, deep disdain appeared in her eyes. "Smelling this blood smell, I thought I could meet a delicate young man, but in the end, it's actually a big old man. What a waste of my feelings."

Shen Yaowei, who was hiding at the side, almost couldn't help but laugh when she heard this.

On the other hand, the Ghost General was deeply stimulated. After glaring at Bai Xueji, he said reluctantly, "What's wrong with my appearance? Damn woman, look at you. What right do you have to despise me? You ugly monster."

"What did you say?!" Bai Xueji had always valued looks the most, especially at this moment when she was actually despised by an ugly monster. She was so angry that her eyes almost spewed fire. "Bastard, I'll kill you today!"