The Ghost Race Might Not Be More Noble Than the Human Race

Looking at Dugu Aoyun's outstretched palm, Huo Junhan dodged sideways. The Ten Thousand Evil Bloodline in his body instantly erupted. After breaking through the restraints, he took two steps back and maintained a certain distance from Dugu Aoyun.

"Don't touch me with your dirty hands." The disgust in his tone couldn't be hidden.

"Hehehe, forget it. It's all my fault back then. I couldn't stop your mother from falling in love with a human man, so I gave birth to you. Fortunately, you inherited the Ten Thousand Evil Bloodline. When your bloodline completely awakens, you don't have to care about such minor details. Fortunately, you were born pretty well, like how our Ghost Race should be." Dugu Aoyun looked at Huo Junhan with a satisfied gaze, as if he was sized up a perfect object. "Since you're already here, I should give you the position of young master."