
Su Yuan held onto Mo Ting's wheelchair, she did not dare to leave nor go back. She simply stood there without moving.

At this time, Mo Ting suddenly patted Su Yuan's hand. "Su Yuan, Auntie has the right to know."

Su Yuan thought to herself, 'Ah, what the f*ck! It's all because of that stupid mouth of yours! My mother had congenital heart disease. If she knew that I had secretly married someone and got angry, she would not let this stinky man off even if she turned into a ghost!'

"Su Yuan, push Mr. Mo back." Su Qiumeng said.

Su Yuan had no choice but to turn around and push Mo Ting back into the house. But, as she turned her back to her mother, she pinched Mo Ting's arm and rolled her eyes at him threateningly. "If you dare to tell my mom, I won't treat your leg!"

Mo Ting's dark eyes glanced at Su Yuan. He did not take her threat seriously and even smiled at her.

Su Yuan stood there silently.