The Broken Hand

Hearing that, Director Zhou was stunned at first, then he pushed Su Yuan away, putting some distance between them. "You're talking so much nonsense because you want me to let you go!

"Let me tell you, Su Yuan. There are only three doors to the bar, and they're all guarded. You can't run away. Just surrender and don't get hurt. Maybe Mu Yuchen will be happy and you'll be able to keep your life!"

Su Yuan shrugged her shoulders helplessly, "I guess the negotiations fell through?" 

"I'm sorry, but if you can get out of Mu Yuchen's hands safely, K Bar will welcome you back at any time." After he finished speaking, he shot a look at all the security guards, and they started rushing forward again.

The Su Yuan now did not have Zhang Gang to protect her, so it was a piece of cake to catch her.

Zhang Gang was shocked, and Su Yuan seemed to be scared out of her wits. She stood rooted to the ground, watching as the security guards rushed to her.