The Case From Seven Years Ago

"Save you?" Su Yuan looked at the police captain. officer, she said, "You should be able to find all the case files in the city, right?"

The police captain did not understand what she was going to do, but he still nodded. "Yes, I can."

Su Yuan said, "Then I'll have to trouble you to go and check the case file from seven years ago. Did a girl named Zhuang Manyu call the police because of him?" Su Yuan then turned to look at Zhao Fu and he said, "I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"She was raped by her postgraduate tutor."

The moment Zhao Fu heard Zhuang Manyu's name, he fell to the ground with a lifeless look in his eyes.

Everyone present was shocked, and the director directly opened his mouth to confirm, "Miss Su, is what you said just now true?"

"Is Director Li holding Miss Su in his arms?" Fu Wen asked.

Director Li immediately fell silent.