Getting the Check

'Piak!' Bai Weiguang slapped Bai Yurou across the face, "Apologize to your sister!"

Now that he had acknowledged Su Yuan's identity, Su Yuan was a member of the Bai family. Bai Yurou was disgracing Su Yuan in front of outsiders! Bai Yurou did not seem to have much value at the moment, but Su Yuan could obviously help the Bai family attract the Pei family's attention.

Bai Weiguang was a person who valued benefits the most. To him, using his own daughter was a very normal and trivial matter.

Bai Yurou was stunned by the slap and tears started to flow down her face.

Fu Xinlian also stood up so hard that she almost broke her teeth, but she did not dare to say anything. She knew Bai Weiguang's character too well. If she embarrassed him now, he would not let her off and might even divorce her.

"Little Rou is just too angry," she said hurriedly, "she's still young. Don't blame her."

Bai Yurou cried even louder in her mother's arms, ""