Pigs on Trees

Su Qiumeng was furious. She pointed at the bedside table and said, "Little Yuan, help mom get her bag from the drawer."

Su Yuan did not know what her mother wanted to do, so she pulled open the drawer and took out a gray cloth bag.

Su Qiumeng took the cloth bag, unzipped it, and took out a small cloth bag sewn from rags. She stuffed it into Su Yuan's hands and said, "Little Yuan, there's 12000 Yuan inside. Is it enough to buy a computer?"

Looking at the tattered little cloth bag in her hand, Su Yuan's nose suddenly twitched, and her eyes became wet.

"What's wrong? You child, why aren't you saying anything?" Su Qiumeng moved closer to Su Yuan and touched her head. She then realized that her daughter was dressed very differently today.

"Aunty Su, I'll be going out now. I'll bring the computer to Miss Su in a moment. She can use it first."

"I'll have to trouble you then," Su Qiumeng said.

The nurse smiled at Su Qiumeng and left the ward.