Helpless, Pitiful, and Embarrassed

"It hurts, brother Xifan. I think I fell and hurt myself. Is my leg broken? my head hurts too. Doctor, please help me!" Bai Yurou's face was pale as she wailed in pain.

When someone fell, the manager, waiters, and customers in the store were immediately alarmed.

The store manager and waiters rushed over in a panic and negotiated with Bai Yurou and Pei Xifan. They discussed whether to send the man to the hospital or help him up to rest.

The surrounding customers also began to discuss, and some even took out their phones to take videos.

"Don't take photos, don't take photos. She pushed me on purpose. Call the police and arrest her!" Bai Yurou covered her face with one hand and pointed out Su Yuan with the other.

Everyone's camera was pointed at Su Yuan.