Staying Out All Night

After enjoying the breeze for a while, Su Yuan finally remembered that she had to report to her mother. Mo Ting's Villa was too inconvenient. They had to take a boat home, so she decided to stay the night at Gu Qin's place. After she sent the message, she reminded Xu Yingying to send one home too.

"Why do I feel like you two have been planning this for a long time?" Gu Qin said helplessly.

The car arrived at its destination very quickly, the most lively nightclub in City A, Mix.

The three of them had just reached the entrance of the nightclub when they heard deafening heavy metal drums.

Xu Yingying was so excited that she started dancing to the music.

"We haven't even entered yet, what's the hurry?" Su Yuan smiled and nudged Xu Yingying.

Xu Yingying hugged Su Yuan and kissed her. "Little Yuan, I'm so happy. Ever since high school, I've always hoped to go to a nightclub. I love you so much!"