Special Program

Mo Yi laughed, "Silly, do you think you can hurt me? You'd better save your energy to think about what I just said. EL Entertainment is so good, and if you come, I'll make you the Best Actor. Do you know what it means to be the Best Actor? You can earn a lot of money. Don't you have a sister in the mountains? Bring her out as well."

"Don't you dare touch my sister!" Zhang Yi roared in anger, but his voice was completely drowned out by the noisy screams.

The bodyguards held him down tightly, and Zhang Yi could not move at all. He was like a fish on the chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered. His eyes were filled with despair.

Mo Yi seemed to have heard something interesting. He moved closer to Zhang Yi and used his index finger to caress Zhang Yi's brows, his eyes filled with unconcealed desire. He could not help but kiss Zhang Yi on the forehead.

"You're so pretty, little baby. Do you know what happened to the last person who went against my will?"