An Important Phone Call

"Su Yuan, don't try to play any tricks! She has to take off the clothes your mom is wearing even if she doesn't want to! Also, let me tell you, I take back what I said to you outside. 'Here Comes My Idol' is my blood, sweat, and tears. Even if you kneel down and beg me now, I won't agree to let you come. Just you wait, once this variety show airs, I will reach a height that you will never be able to reach! When that happens, the entire country's audience will recognize me, Bai Yurou. No one will remember this year's college entrance examination's top scorer!"

Bai Yurou's voice was so loud that not only did the staff hear her, but even the passersby in the mall heard her. They stopped in their tracks and looked into the store through the glass.

The store manager was afraid that curious people would enter the store, so he simply called someone over to close the door and hang a 'closed' sign on the door.