Full of Resentment

This was the first time Su Qiumeng had truly felt the power of her future son-in-law. The matter had been resolved before anyone had even arrived. Su Qiumeng did not dare to take such a free card. She pushed the woman's hand away. "Just give it to my daughter. I'm old. I can't wear so many clothes."

The woman looked at Su Yuan hesitantly.

Su Yuan asked, "Did he ask you to tell me something?"

The woman nodded. "The big boss said that this card can only be given to the Old Madam. You can't have it."

Su Yuan bit her lower lip.

"Why?" Su Qiumeng asked in confusion.

The woman smiled as she repeated Mo Ting's words, "You only remember me when you're in trouble. I won't give you a card if you don't even say hello."

What was with this tone of a resentful family man?

Su Yuan was dumbfounded.

Su Qiumeng laughed, "Hehe."