I Don’t Like Spicy Beef

"Baby, you haven't kissed me yet!" Mo Ting remained in his necktie position as he reminded her in a low voice.

Kiss my ass!

Su Yuan pushed Mo Ting away and walked toward Mu Lanyi.

Mo Ting was thinking, 'Why did my wife turn against me?'

"You b*tch, you wild woman, you're so shameless! This is Brother Ting's office, and you're so shameless! How can you do this in broad daylight?"

"Hey, are you done shouting?" Su Yuan said helplessly.

Mu Lanyi was shocked. The voice came from above her head. She raised her head carefully and met Su Yuan's eyes.

Su Yuan's eyes no longer had the charm from before. Instead, they were cold.

Mu Lanyi instinctively stepped back, but because she was squatting, she fell to the ground with a plop.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Su Yuan laughed.