She Has a Man Behind Her

Pei Xifan could not believe his ears. He frowned and asked, "Su Yuan, are you sure you know the big boss of Chengguang?"

Chengguang shopping mall was a newly risen mega-scale shopping mall that integrated eating, drinking, and playing in City A. It had a huge industry and three stores in City A, valued at ten billion!

"Brother Xifan, why don't you believe me?" Bai Yurou's tone was a little anxious. "I looked it up on the internet as soon as I came back. The big boss of Chengguang mall, Wang Dong, is born in the 70s. The photos online are the same as the one I saw today. I can't be wrong!"

On the other end of the phone, Pei Xifan fell into a strange silence.

"There's still more!" Bai Yurou continued, "Not only does big sister know Chengguang mall's big boss, but she also knows."